Sunday, July 6, 2008

splish splash, i was taking a bath.

a few concentrated shots of yerba mate = crack, without the comedown.
let's be productive, kids!
kat and i are listening to "fonzie favorites," a vinyl record on which the fonz picks "his favorite 50s records to share with you." brilliant, if a bit annoying.
in other news, i finally shut down my hotmail account today. i had that thing since 1999. jesus. no wonder my email address was so fucking stupid.
but, i need a new one now, for no one really knows how long nau will let me keep using my account there. any suggestions for email address-names that aren't too: a. indie, b. tortured, c. cutesy, d. overly pretentious?
anyways. i am already missing sleeping alone, and i'm not even in bed yet.
yeah, i'm that person.
i hope this work week passes quickly and lucratively.


Tony said...

I would suggest "EquilateralRectangle," but that's probably too much of a math joke for most people to understand and laugh at....

fd said...

I'm so glad I didn't drink the mate, I already had an awful time trying to sleep because now I have a difficult time sleeping alone, bummer!