Thursday, July 24, 2008

and this is where i live, but i've never felt less at home.

okay. please. somebody get me out of my apartment.
anyways, going to prescott with aly for the night to visit mr. tony colella, esq. also apparently my dog is not doing very well at all and i may have to go back next week to make that fateful visit to the veterinarian's office.
this is the first real experience i have ever had with death. other than the deaths of jim simmerman and my rabbits. i have never had a family member die, at least one who i am close to. it is very, very hard. i didn't quite understand before that it would be this hard. i just want to hold her and be next to her and tell her that i am sorry and that i love her. granted, i have had quite the menagerie of pets before in my life, but velvet- velvet is incomparable. she is like my sister. i know that may sound a bit far-fetched but i love this dog with all my heart. either way, it will be soon. and i am crushed.
well, off to have a fabulous night with tony and aly (and lauren, perhaps?).

1 comment:

Lauren Elizabeth said...

A fabulous night we did have.