Wednesday, May 21, 2008

love rhymes with hideous car wreck.

man, do i love the blood brothers. it is so refreshing to listen to a band that you haven't listened to in a while and just appreciate it all over again like you were listening to it for the first time, while still knowing all of the words. i'm not even a big hardcore fan (if you can even call them that), but sometimes i need to thrash around a bit in my mess of a room.
i feel like everyone else that i know with a blog makes it so poetic and inspired, whereas my style of blog-writing is casual and confessional. i wish i could write something beautiful and fluid, but alas, today is not that day.
also, the system hates me, apparently. ahcccs/ap-ipa is refusing to pay for two of my doctor's visits in january and i am having to deal with a bunch of bureaucratic bullshit right now, while still avoiding the credit collection agency's calls. someday i will be forced to deal with this and take responsibility like the mature adult i don't want to be, and it won't be pretty. in addition, i am having a hard time getting my (very crucial) prescriptions filled at the pharmacy, and i am terrified that my (low-income, government-provided) insurance is fucking up. maybe i should just move to canada.
despite all this, life is still pretty good. rather, aly and i are manifesting its goodness.

in other news, the apocalypse may be coming. see me for details.

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