Saturday, October 11, 2008

everything begins to fall into place.

i came to a very important decision today. i think it will help me mature emotionally in a lot of ways. unfortunately for you all, i refuse to divulge the nature and content of this decision. it is a very private one. maybe if you are lucky i will tell you over the phone. but not now, that's for sure.

in other news. having fun in portland! got another job at a store in the mall, a store that will heretofore remain nameless in this blog. anyhoo. i start tomorrow and then work for a fucking week straight at both my jobs without a day off or a second to breathe. two doubles at the sushi place and then lots of training at the new retail job. luckily this means that i will have money for rent and things like that soon, which is a relief.

also, i am in love like never before. it is amazing. i am very lucky.
miss and love you all.